

O打开通往各种职业可能性的大门, the study of history is perfect for students with curious minds and an interest in the world. Studying history at Carson-Newman gives you the intellectual tools for lifelong learning — such as critical thinking, 分析, digital research and writing — along with hands-on experience in “doing history.” The C-N history program offers an expansive view of world history and a wide range of courses for your unique interests. 



Prepares students to teach history in public and private 6–12 schools 


Provides the foundation for a variety of post-graduation options including graduate school for MA or PhD degrees in academic history or related professional programs in archival work, 图书馆学, 公共历史, 博物馆研究或历史保护/解释

Whatever your career interests, you can follow your passions as you explore the world of history. After you complete core requirements in world history and American history, these are some of the options you can study through electives: British imperialism, 非洲历史, 中东, 日本, 中国, 欧洲的革命时代, 公民权利, 亚洲电影, 文学与革命. Our program also has a strong emphasis on social history and issues of social justice. 



The C-N history program has the flexibility for you to easily add a minor or second major in something else that piques your interest or builds skills you will need in your career.  Among the most common second majors and minors our students combine with their history degrees are religion, 政治科学, 妇女研究, 中世纪和文艺复兴研究, 哲学或西班牙语.


Carson-Newman history graduates are scattered around the world with specialties as varied as their own personal interests. 举几个例子:•全球最大的博彩平台


You can also study at Oxford University in England through our Oxford Studies program.

Or you can study 日本ese history at a partner institution in 日本 or Chinese history and culture at a school in 中国.


杰西卡·威尔克森博士, a C-N alum, is now a history professor at University of Mississippi where she is also associated with the Center for 南ern Studies and the Sarah Issom Center for Women and 性别 Studies. After graduating from C-N she earned her MA in Women’s 历史 from Sarah Lawrence College and PhD in 历史 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She recently published a highly acclaimed book entitled “To Live Here, You have to Fight: How Women Led Movement for Appalachian Social Justice”. She is also the author of the widely read Longreads article “Living with Dolly Parton.” Her journal article  “The Company Owns the Mine But They Don’t Own Us: Feminist Critiques of Capitalism in the Coalfields of Kentucky,赢得了A。. Elizabeth Taylor Prize for the best article in women’s history from the 南ern Association for Women Historians.     

梅丽莎OotenC-N历史校友(99年), is the Associate Director of the WILL* program at the Westhampton College at the University of Richmond 她还是性别研究专家. 她和WILL一起工作过, 一个致力于研究多样性问题的项目, since 2005 and is deeply committed to educating the next generation of social justice advocates. She holds a PhD in history from The College of William and Mary and specializes in studying social movements in the U.S. 南. 她出版了《全球最大的博彩平台》一书, 性别, 以及弗吉尼亚州的电影审查制度, 1922–1965” (2015) and has written a number of articles on issues ranging from mass incarceration to eugenics to teaching #BlackLivesMatter through film. 大胆的声音:交叉性女权主义的侧面, 与《全球最大的博彩平台》的导演霍莉·布莱克合作, 将于2018年秋季由她写作出版社出版.    

阿什利·法尔泽蒂·格拉斯伯恩博士(02) who studied in our department in the early 2000’s and had multiple majors, is now an Assistant Professor at Eastern Michigan University. 除了教授妇女研究课程之外, she is active in language revitalization programs for the Miami Nation of American Indians.    

Dr. 阿曼达·福特博士, who graduated from Carson-Newman as an honors student in 历史 and with an Oxford Studies minor (’06), now works as an Assistant Professor of 历史 at C-N after pursuing an MA at Queens College, 贝尔法斯特(07年). She completed her PhD at the University of Arkansas in the area of church and state relations in Colonial Kenya. She is currently working on a book on British missionaries during the era of the British empire.   



Political Science majors have the opportunity to take a class consisting of guest speakers who practice various types of law. The class also helps them with the law school application process. Senior Political Science majors conduct a voter registration drive every fall.




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电影 & 数字媒体





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